Ford, SJ. Touching the Archive. SOANYWAY, Leeds, 2022 [online: https://www.soanywaymagazine.org/issues]
Ford, SJ. In the mud: Lesbian trauma and the reparative quilt in the Pitt Rivers Museum. The Journal of Psychoanalysis Culture and Society 27, 122–135, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41282-022-00278-0
Ford, SJ. Queering Suffrage: embroidering the lesbian life of Vera Holme, MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture, London, 2021 [online: https://maifeminism.com/queering-suffrage-embroidering-the-lesbian-life-of-vera-holme/]
Ford, SJ, Pandemic Making Diary. Deccorating Dissidence, London, 2021 [online: https://decoratingdissidence.com/making-during-a-pandemic/pandemic-diary-sarah-joy-ford/]
Ford, SJ. Practice Based: Quilting the Lesbian Archive. Deccorating Dissidence, London, 2020 [online: https://decoratingdissidence.com/2020/04/03/practice-based-quilting-the-lesbian-archive-sarah-joy-ford/]
Ford, SJ (ed) Cut Cloth: contemporary textiles and feminism, PO Publishing, Leeds, 2017 [online: https://www.cutcloth.co.uk/publication